The TARDIS lands on the planet Clandus, a primitive world. Stan and Ernest decide to scout around for curiosity's sake. Natasha stays on the TARDIS with a touch of flu. Stan and Ernest enter the nearby village and are immediately captured as one of the villagers proclaims that they "fell from the sky". They are to be brought to Stalk, the One-Eyed God of the Mountain for trial. Stan and Ernest are left on the mountain, where they meet Magnus, another alien who had crashlanded on the planet long ago. It would appear Magnus has completely lost his marbles. Magnus announces that the trial is to begin, and Stalk appears in the cave entrance. Stalk is a Dalek! At first the damaged Dalek tries to kill Stan and Ernest, but Magnus convinces it that they could help in the repairs of the Dalek ship. Stalk agrees and they are led to the downed (and completey irreparable) ship. Magnus explains that Stalk has robotic guards around the ship and the general vacinity that he controls. Stalk also has a forcefield in place that prevents any transmissions and will also keep Stan's TARDIS on the planet. Stan notices a familiar shape which has become part of the Dalek old TARDIS. Magnus is a Tarothasian, a cousin race to the Time Lords, who had stolen the TARDIS long ago and had merged with the Dalek ship, causing it to crashland. While fixing the comm system, Stan, Ernest and Magnus came up with a plan to tap into the frequency Stalk used to talk to his robot guards and send Stalk a signal that the guards had found another crashed ship. While Stalk went to investigate, the trio would set the self-destruct, get off the ship, and then send another signal to Stalk so he would return to the ship. A good plan. The signal was sent, Stalk left the ship, the destruct was activated, but on their way out, a robot attacked. Magnus sacrificed himself so Stan and Ernest could escape. Stalk reappeared and the ship exploded, mortally wounding the Dalek. The two returned to the TARDIS and left Clandus far behind.