"Syndrome" (4 episodes)

The light clears and the group finds themselves in a strange white room. They are shocked to discover Magnus with them. When asked how he survived the explosion on the Dalek ship, Magnus explains that he was a geneticist and that the Tarothasians had been experimenting with advanced cloning techniques; a failed experiment and a faulty trans-mat later and there were one-hundred-and-seventeen thousand Magnus' scattered throughout the universe. And these weren't just perfect clones of Magnus, but due to Tarothasian telepathy and empathy, each clone inherited the other's memories the moment they died. The group soon escaped the white room and discovered they were being held hostage by an evil boy-jester named Syndrome. He led them through a myriad of false (but deadly) scenarios including a mediaeval castle and the Panopticon on Gallifrey. Eventually Syndrome promised the group's freedom if they could survive a series of traps and riddles. To persuade them to participate, Syndrome conjured up a squad of Cybermen that pursued them throughout the labyrinth. After a series of deadly traps and riddles (during which Magnus was killed), the group arrived at the centre of operations and discovered Syndrome's true form; a small boy cybernetically linked to the world in which they were trapped. Syndrome was a projection of the unconscious thoughts of the boy, and the evil clown had ensured his survival by keeping the boy on the edge of consciousness. Syndrome hinted that he worked for a powerful entity with the initials E. L. Carabas is killed by Syndrome when he taunts the clown once too often but the distraction allows Stan, Natasha and Ernest to wake the boy. In shame, the boy commits suicide and Syndrome and the world vanish. The group finds themselves back on the TARDIS which materializes on Gallifrey.
