"Cradle Of The Cybermen" (4 episodes)

Stan receives a message from Col. Dougherty that there is an alien presence in New York City circa October, 1999 and UNIT needs Stan's help in solving the case. The aliens have been snatching babies. UNIT has found partial remains of the babies and autopsies show that the aliens have been removing the babies' marrow. A tall cloaked figure was spotted heading into the Broadway/Lafayette subway and disappearing into the old disused Bayview Central Line directly underneath. Some UNIT men were sent in but they did not return, and there was evidence of alien technology jamming any attempt to search the abandoned line. Stan and his companions went to investigate only to discover that the aliens were in fact Cybermen! The UNIT men who had disappeared had been mind-controlled to guard the entrance to the Cybermen's base. Stan planned a second expedition into the abandoned line, but they were caught by the Cybermen. Stan worked out a deal with the Cyberleader; he would get them babies (they needed the marrow for a substance called abnesian which was used in Cyber-blood). The Cyberleader agreed only if Ernest and Roman were given up to be converted. Stan had to agree. Stan rushed against time to fool the Cybermen with babies who had already died (and were therefore useless) and to save Ernest and Roman. When Stan arrived, Ernest and Roman were mostly converted. Stan destroyed the Cyber-base which freed Roman and Ernest from the Cyber-control. It was too much for Ernest and his body died. Roman helped Stan defeat the Cybermen as Col. Doughtery and UNIT moved in to clean up. Stan was able to remove the Cyber-implants from Roman (at the cost of five regenerations).
