"The Five Stans" (3 45-minute episodes)

Part 1

The Second Stan tells Stan that when he used the Eye of Harmony to power the TARDIS (D) he created a tear in the Vortex. This tear pulled physical matter into the Vortex where it formed a bubble of space. Stan's timelines were also trapped in the bubble and now Stan's past selves are trapped there. The bubble is unstable and the two Stans must go to the bubble and save their other selves. The Second Stan leads them to the Vortex in his TARDIS. They land in a sort of gateway to various realities within the bubble. This was how the Second Stan was able to escape in the first place; he materialized in the gateway and was able to get free. The Second Stan, Norman and Natasha head off to find the Fourth Stan, while Stan and Tuck head off to find the First Stan. All will meet to find the Third Stan. The Second Stan has created armbands which allow them to travel from reality to reality and to locate his other selves. Stan and Tuck arrive in a post-apocalyptic world where mutant zombies run wild among the streets of the dead cities. They meet Stan's old companion, Ananta who is leading a group of pure-blood resistance fighters. She leads them to The Highrise where The Mad Scientist is supposedly creating the zombies. It turns out The Mad Scientist is the First Stan who is in fact trying to come up with a cure for the plague. Tuck is killed in an automotive accident, but the two Stans and Ananta escape.

Part 2

Natahsa, Norman and the Second Stan arrive on an alien world where two rival alien factions are battling each other in a desert wasteland. They are promptly captured. Norman takes the shape of one of the aliens and tries to rescue them but is captured as well. Another alien named Angel frees them and takes them to his friend The Wanderer. The Wanderer is the Fourth Stan. They leave the alien world.

Part 3

In a world that is completely digitalized, the Stans and their companions run afoul of The Bishop. He is preaching against the virus known as Wraith v.1.7. The virus chases the group into the Bishop's cathedral where he agrees to tell them where to find The Stranger in hopes that he can destroy Wraith. The Stranger is the Third Stan and the group saves him before he becomes completely digitalized. The group escapes to the gateway. The Bishop follows but disintegrates when he leaves his reality. The group sees an unknown person working on some sort of device as they enter the gateway. He waves and then disappears into a hole in the bubble. The group leaves in the TARDIS. They say their farewells and the Second Stan warns Stan not to use the Eye of Harmony again. He also gives him a Statenheim remote control device that will allow the TARDIS to appear from anywhere in space/time. The Second Stan warns that he had some trouble installing it and it may wreak havoc on some of the controls. The first problem being the TARDIS is now stuck in the shape of a magician's cabinet. Stan uses the remote control and the TARDIS appears. He leaves with Natasha.

