The Philosopher's Stone

(4 episodes)


Stan materializes the TARDIS at the lab of his friend Roderick Stenson, an inventor, in the 28th century.  Roderick shows Stan a few of his inventions and experiments including a Flooorian Astrogazer, a rebigulator, and a Regallian Mark II warbot cyborg.  Stenson then shows Stan his prize and joy; the Paracelsus Machine.  Stenson belongs to the ancient Order of Alchemists and he has discovered that conscious thought can act as the Philosopher's Stone.  With the knowledge of the Stone, Stenson created the machine to harness conscious thought and in essence turn lead into gold.


As Stenson is giving Stan and the group a demonstration, the asteroid Stenson's lab is on is invaded by robots. They kill Stenson and take vital components of the Machine before transmating away.  The cyborg awakens during the melee and asks to accompany the group to stop the robots.  Torpedoes destroy the asteroid just as the TARDIS gang escapes. They materialize on the escaping ship.


After another battle with robots on the ship, the group is rendered unconscious by gas. They awaken on the bridge to find the evil Magnus in control of the robots. He wants the Paracelsus Machine and the secret of Alchemy to himself. He says he has no quarrel with Stan and says he will drop the group off on the nearest planetoid.


Magnus' ship is then attacked by another ship; a cyber ship.  Cybermen board and steal the components of the Machine. They leave. Magnus explains that he still has some of the components. Alpha, the cyborg, destroys the components Magnus had on his person.


Stan is not convinced that the parts the Cybermen stole will be useless without the parts Magnus had on his person. He is worried they may be able to re-create the Paracelsus Machine from the parts they have. He materializes the TARDIS on the cyber ship. While trying to re-acquire the components, Stan is mortally wounded and regenerates, and Natasha is kidnapped by some form of energy alien. The group overhears the Cybercontroller saying that the parts they have are useless without the components Alpha destroyed. The group brings the injured Stan into the TARDIS. Lee Liu pilots the TARDIS to the 51st century where he abandons the crew.


The newly regenerated Stan receives a call to return home to Gallifrey. He materializes in his old home of Moonhaven and is greeted by his cousin Menelaus Trick who says their matriarch is dying...

