Beyond Time's Shadow (4 Episodes)


Natasha returns and gets reacquainted with the new Stan and his new companions.  She explains that all she remembers from her abduction are energy lifeforms that hinted that she was one of them and that she had a mission to complete.  After numerous scans, Stan reassures Natasha that she is human and offers to take her on a vacation to Neptune. Before they can leave, Stan notices a slight time disturbance and pinpoints it to Earth (Germany in 1940). He decides to travel there and see what is causing the disturbance. They arrive and discover a Nazi scientific headquarters in an old cathedral.  Inside they meet Standartenfuhrer Johannes Feldmeijer, who seems to be the head of the operation. He is found talking to some sort of alien that is slightly out-of-phase of the time continuum and only Stan and Thelonius can see him.  Alpha, who is disguised as an SS officer, tries to bluff their way past the Standartenfuhrer, but he has his Oberleutnant, Gurst, bring them away for questioning. They escape their cell and head back to the TARDIS where they dematerialize. Stan decides to head to Gallifrey to inform the High Council of these creatures when suddenly they appear on the TARDIS! They explain that they are Chronomancers from ‘beyond time’s shadow’ and that they have given time technology to the Nazi’s in order to observe what they do with it.  A battle of wits ensues and the chronomancers depart as the TARDIS arrives on Gallifrey.  Stan discusses what he has seen with the Castellan. The Castellan explains that chronomancers were a race that perfected time travel around the same time as Gallifrey, but that they decdied to become one with their technology, much like the Cybermen did with theirs. The chronomancers were believed to have been wiped out millennia ago.  Stan leaves Gallifrey and returns to Germany 1940. Disguised as the Standartenfuhrer, Thelonius finds the time travel technology that the chronomancers gave to the Nazis and destroys it with Alpha’s help.  The chronomancers appear and once again do battle with Stan and company.  They study Natasha and exclaim that she is not human. This distracts them enough that Stan is able to hit them with an energy device that brings them momentarily in phase with time. The group then physically take the chronomancers into custody as the aliens are unused to physical combat.  Thwarted, the chronomancers leave when they regain their powers. Stan is again about to take the group to Neptune when he receives a call from Chant. Chant needs them to stop a renegade Time Lord who is about to commit an act that will shatter the balance of Time in the known multiverse. Stan must stop the Time Lord known as…the Doctor.
