Stan's Seventh Persona appeared between Cousins and The Paris. He regenerated after being shot, then poisoned by Zygons aboard the mother ship masquerading as a 1920s freightliner.
Stan's Sixth Persona appeared at the end of The Monoliths of Mars and continued on until The Philosopher's Stone. He regenerated after being mortally wounded in a firefight with the Cyberleader and Cybercontroller aboard their Cyber Ship. Stan's resemblance to King Mob is mostly co-incidental.
Stan's Fifth Persona appeared between One Small Step and The Monoliths of Mars. He was forced to regenerate after the fatal flying car crash on Mars in 65 Millions Years B.C.
And yes, the Fifth Stan does look like Roberto Benigni.


Ernest Getz
Ernest appeared between the stories One Small Step and the Cradle of the Cybermen.
He was a space shuttle pilot when he joined the crew.
He was killed by the Cybermen.


Carabas appeared in The Dark Edge of Space and Syndrome. He was a trader in the Earth Empire when he joined the crew. He was killed by Syndrome.

Roman appeared between Tomorrow when the War Began and the Moons of Marinus.
He was a Gallifreyan from Low Town when he joined the crew.
He was killed by the Voord Martaal.

Father Geoffrey Tuckelson

Tuck appeared between Prince of Thieves and The Five Stans. He was a monk in the 12th century when he joined the crew.
He was killed in an automotive accident.

George appeared between Conquest of the Daleks and Monoliths of Mars. He was a member of the Dalek Hunters in 2180.
George died in the fatal crash of the flying car on its way back to the Tardis, in the attempt to save life on Mars, 65 Million B.C.

Paramanthea appeared between The Monoliths of Mars and Giant Space Blobs from South Carolina. Patamanthea was the telepathic Princess of the Vikram from Mars in 65,000,000 B.C. Stay tuned for The Novels "Listening Post" and "Rebirth of Evil" for more details of her departure from the series.

Lee Liu Chang

Lee Liu appeared between Conquest of the Daleks and Monoliths of Mars, and between Construct and The Philosopher's Stone. Lee Liu was a Time Traveller from China, 5514, when his Time Cabinet appeared within Stan's Tardis. Lee Liu abandoned Stan to his home time when Stan regenerated.

Thelonius I
Thelonius I was a professional thief in the Low Town on Gallifrey. He appeared between Cousins and Wanted: The Doctor, Dead or Alive. Thelonius was killed by Jetrel's sentry robot.


Alpha appeared between The Philosopher's Stone and Future War. Alpha was a Regallian Mark II Warbot Cyborg created in the 28th Century. Alpha was killed and dismantled when he left the Tardis to attack The Enemy to save Natasha.

Natasha appeared between One Small Step and Future War. She was a museum curator in the 25th century when she joined the tardis. Her bravery, resourcefulness, and excellent use of yo-yo skills have proven to be a great asset. It was revealed that Natasha was disguised as a human, and was actually a member of the Enemy, a race embroiled in a bitter war with a future Gallifrey.


Thelonius II appeared in Future War.

Jeff Cole

Jeff appeared between City of Gold and Grakkan Games. Jeff was an unwitting member of a rogue band of mercenaries masquerading as a faction of U.N.I.T.

Stan intercepted the call when the faction attempted to contact the Doctor for various sundry and nefarious deeds using a temporal distress signal. Shortly thereafter, Jeff deduced the faction's true intentions and rebelled.

Without direction or allegiance, Jeff joined Stan for a life of high adventure!

Jeff died plummeting to his death after being knocked from a thin conduit bridge above a near bottomless pit by Gale Force.

